About the Tools
All products are created with Fused Deposition Modeling using polylactic (PLA) composite plastics derived from corn, sugarcane, and other renewable resources.
Mission: Offering a wide selection of sizes and shapes & creating an unmatched level of service and versatility of tools.

About the Owner
I’m Chris Morton, the owner of Cannagar Tools.
I created Cannagar Tools in 2016 as a way to help seed the cannagar industry.
I wanted to see cannagars in many more stores, so that one day I can walk in and have a selection of gars to choose from. This reality is already taking shape. Mind Blown. Awesome journey this has been so far and I look forward to many more years watching this niche art form grow and develop.
Hobbies/Interests: Cannagars, boating, fishing, exploring the outdoors, technology, sustainable development, guitars, and automating income streams.